Monday, July 18, 2011

Awareness Test

It was quite interesting how most people only take in one piece of information and block out all the other visual input when we are forced to find out one piece of information. Yet if we weren't asked to look or observe anything in particular it would be highly possible that we wouldn't observe both the moonwalking bear and the 13 passes. I was rather amused but I think the fact that people don't observe anything outside what they want to see, if that assumption can be made, is a rather sad fact in the sense that we would often miss out on so much when we are focusing on something else. I suppose when solving a crime, or any other mystery, or problem, we should be OPEN. We should not be looking for what you presume to be the only kinds of things that will give you answers; in doing so we miss out on other things which may have led us to the answer.

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