Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summary of how DNA works

About a week ago (I think), I got my DNA! So what exactly is our DNA?

Using this website, I found out the following:
DNA - Something in our nucleus that gives cells in our body instructions necessary for a living organism to grow and live. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a double helix (somewhat like a twisted ladder) formed by A, C, T and G which are bonded by hydrogen.
Genes - A bigger unit of DNA
Proteins - Essential for all body processes (from what it seems)

So how does the DNA become a protein? Last time during bio revision I watched some video. So I just rewatched it.

Apparently something in the nucleus reproduces the DNA such that it becomes mRNA (this super similar thing)
This goes to the ribosome.
At the same time, amino acids are carried my transfer RNA (if I remember correct! >.<) cells to the ribosome. Tested for a code-on/anti-code match with mRNA (at A-site).
If match, then tRNA shifted to P-site, where the amino acid it carried is added to amino acid chain.
Then the used tRNA will be recycled after being ejected from E-site.

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